pokemon fire red cheat codes rare candy

Rare candy cheat for Pokemon Fire Red Omega? - Yahoo! Answers.
Aug 16, 2008. I have the vba pokemon fire red and no cheats i have work can sum1 help. Pokemon Fire Red (master code for below). 0044 = Rare Candy.
Gameshark Codes for: Pokémon FireRed (GBA). This is the Master Code for the GBA SP Gameshark, Pokemon FireRed. I personally .. Rare Candy 0044.

Cheats, codes, walkthroughs, & tips for the GBA game Pokemon: Fire Red.. of finding a rare candy are 35ut rare candy makes your pokemon weaker I did .
Pokemon Leafgreen Action Replay code for 999 rare candies in pc.
Pokémon FireRed Cheats - a collection of cheat codes, unlocks, passwords. Pokémon FireRed icon. Popular .. You can find a rare candy on the biking path.
Cheats on Pokemon Fire Red | iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch forums.
Pokémon FireRed Cheats - a collection of cheat codes, unlocks, passwords. Pokémon FireRed icon. Popular .. You can find a rare candy on the biking path.
820258400044 Have fun leveling your pokemon! Pokemon cheats, help, and walkthrough. POKEMON FIRERED RARE CANDY AND MASTER CODE.
Nov 22, 2011. I'm trying to do the rare candy cheat, which is: Gameshark_v3. Cheats on Pokemon Fire Red. GBA cheats do not work on gpsphone.
Rare Candy Cheat on Pokemon Fire Red? - Ask.com.
Pokemon: Fire Red - Cheat Code Central.
Pokémon FireRed Cheats (GBA Cheats) - Neoseeker.
What is the rare candy cheat for Pokemon fire red - Wiki Answers.
pokemon fire red cheat codes rare candy
How to Get Unlimited Rare Candies on Pokemon Leaf Green.