what versions of windows 7 include remote desktop

Remote Desktop Windows Xp Windows 7 - Free PDF downloads.
Customize MMC with the Remote Desktops Snap-in for Windows 7.
The Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 client update enables you to use the. These features are introduced in Windows 7 and in Windows Server 2008. prevalent malicious software (including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom) and. Microsoft will release an updated version of this tool on the second Tuesday of each month.
Windows Essentials - Microsoft Windows.
Windows 8 Remote Desktop Connection - Include Windows Logon Domain.
Remote Desktop Services - TechNet - Microsoft.
Nov 10, 2012. I have discovered, that Windows 7 Pro doesn't support multiple monitor for remote desktop service, as it is featured only for Windows 7 Ultimate .
Nov 16, 2012. If you're looking for thin client's that can do strict RDP version 8, the closest thing you can get are Windows Embdedded Standard 7 based thin clients. The OEM software setups however still only include the Remote Desktop .
How do I keep my same 4-monitor setup when using Remote.